
The Wall of Crap! Annotated version...

Returning followers know all about the hockey wall yadda yadda so on etc, but here is a closeup of all the crap behind the plexiglass. Now with descriptions!

Panel 1 is the back of an old barn seat, a Greg Millen autographed game used stick, and a team signed stick (Blues) from either '77 or '78. I don't remember and haven't looked it up again.

Panel 2 is some of the macfarlane figures, and in the hole for the window are the 3 statues the blues gave out for renewing season tickets (federko, hull, macinnis) as well as a brick from the old barn (see the theme? I miss the old barn a lot)

Panel 3 has a bunch of different stuff including 3 Pepsi bottles commemorating the Blues' first 4 years in the league. I'd like to point out that I have 3 of them and the one on display at the new blues area doesn't even have soda in it. Surrounding those are some of my pucks. You may notice some puck have people on them. That is me and the wife on our wedding day. Yes, we gave out pucks as our table gift at the reception, don't be jealous.

Panel 4 is more mcfarlane guys. Yes I have a lot of them, no they are not all out.

Panel 5 are my old Brett Hull comics from McDonalds. Those awesome things in front of them are my Don Cherry Molson bubba kegs. They are pretty kick ass.


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