
Can money buy happiness? Yes it can

Sometimes you come across some items that even in your dreams you didn't think of because it seemed to crazy. These are some items I just happened to be in the right place at the right time and was able to get.

My friend Todd has the coolest basement ever. When we visit him and his wife, Jess usually can be found at the bar playing the megatouch machine. It's basically a touch screen with about 100 games on it, including her favorite, photo hunt. I thought it would be cool to have one on our bar someday. Todd was buying a new one, and the guy actually had 2 for sale. He was selling for less than he should've been, and we got an even better deal for both. So now on my workbench is our megatouch machine, just waiting for a bar to sit on.

In high shcool, I think I put enough quarters in a Hat Trick machine to buy one back then. That was one weekend night in high school, going to the mall arcade and playing Hat Trick. It is still a really fun game to play. What better to put in a hockey basement than a hockey arcade game? Imagine my surprise when one popped up on craigslist. The best part was that since it wasn't one of the classics like pac man or donkey kong, it wasn't $600 like those are. $100 later, it's in my basement!

Something every Blues fan wants is some seats from the Old Barn! I had always wanted some, but they are crazy expensive. I just happened to find these on a forum for a great price. I figured if I can redo the basement I can restore some old metal seats. How hard can it be to brush off some rust and repaint them yellow? It was a great find and will not only look cool, but add 3 more seats!

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